Do you keep having the same painting problems. Here are some SOLUTIONS to the ones I see so often.

Time and again I see the same challenges facing my students when they use watercolor paint. Here are tips to help you.



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Shireen Cavendish Cavendish

Excellent Course

Very useful information for the novice about watercolour painting given by Nicola in her relaxing friendly manner. Gets straight to the point, all simply explained so that it easily sinks in. Lots of useful tips that have helped me in my journey with the beautiful watercolour.

1 year ago

Course Summary
After many years of teaching people how to paint with watercolour paints, I have noticed the same problems cropping up time and again. So, I have created this course in order to help beginners and experienced painting students alike to overcome a variety of techniques. Some of the videos you might have seen on my YouTube channel, but some have been taken from my LIVE tuition and contributions I have made elsewhere.

Get yourself a dedicated watercolour painting book and practice the lecture that you have the most trouble with. Make notes and comments on how your painting is improving. Gain confidence as you get a better understanding of how to paint shadows, manipulate paint, reproduce cylindrical perspective, painting inside different shapes and mixing colours. These things come with practice and experience, but these lectures will help speed up the process. It may also improve your observational skills.
As I have said many times, 'I teach my students to LOOK and not only to paint.' I have also included a few tips, tricks and techniques to add something special to your work. Taking your painting to a higher and more eye-catching level. So what are you waiting for, get painting and most of all have fun.  


Course Curriculum

Nicola Blakemore

Why choose one of my courses?

Because, as a self-taught artist I understand how a lot of people feel about their creative work, sometimes anxious, sometimes overwhelmed, and often that it's not 'good enough'.

Well, I will hold your hand as you overcome these fears as I offer a friendly, relaxed and sensitive teaching style.

Do one of my courses and you will feel as if I am in the room with you every step of the way.

A bit more about me.

I originally trained as a graphic artist and then followed a different career path working in the media, travel and public relations.

After time working in these areas spent in both London and Paris, I moved into interior design, specialist painting effects and creating murals for clients in both the UK and overseas.

Now living in the south of France I continue with all of that but now also teach people how to paint in watercolours on painting holidays. teaching via the internet, film making and helping people with their marketing and promotional activities.

SOLUTIONS to the most common watercolour painting problems

Time and again I see the same challenges facing my students when they use watercolor paint. So I have put together some tips to help you.

  • Overcome the problems you keep having.
  • Gain confidence with your painting techniques.
  • So you just can't get to grips with cylinders, circles and elipse.
  • Be sure of your shadows and make is believable.
  • Get to grips with your greens - colour mixing.
  •  Finally understand the drying cycle of watercolour paints.


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